Bucks County Court To reopen June 1
Bucks County Court to open on June 1, 2020. Judge Bateman signed an Order permitting the opening of the Court with restrictions...
Emergency Order 2020-16
Emergency Order 2020-16 was signed by Judge Bateman The Order suspends the right to a speedy trial and also suspends the rules...
Governor to Open Limited Outdoor Recreational Activities May 1, 2020
Injured by a Drunk Driver?
Pennsylvania's Dram Shop Laws and Liability Dram shop is a legal term used to refer to a bar, tavern, or similar establishment that sells...
The National Trial Lawyers Announces Clifford Bidlingmaier, III, Esq. as One of Its Top 100 Civil Pl
For Immediate Release: The National Trial Lawyers is pleased to announce that Clifford D. Bidlingmaier, III, Esq., of Bidlingmaier &...
Cliff Bidlingmaier Successful in Securing Substantial Settlement
Cliff Bidlingmaier was successful in securing a multi-million dollar settlement for his clients that were involved in a motor-vehicle...
Cliff Bidlingmaier has Civil Lawsuit Dismissed
Cliff Bidlingmaier was retained to represent a defendant in a civil action for breach of contract. Cliff was successful in having the...
New Jersey Affirms Driving While Intoxicated Conviction
https://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/assets/opinions/appellate/published/a2011-18.pdf?c=cud The New Jersey Appellate Court affirmed a...
Keith Bidlingmaier Sworn In As Assistant Bucks County Solicitor
Cliff Bidlingmaier Was Successful In Having A Client Who Was Charged With 2nd Degree Possession of a
Cliff Bidlingmaier successfully had his client who was a charged with a 2nd Degree charge for the Unlawful Possession of a Handgun...